Vulcanites Explained: Meet the Mythical Heroes of the Berserk Card Game


Hail, brave warriors of the VulcanVerse! If you’ve ever dreamed of battling mythical beasts while raking in crypto rewards, then you’re in for a treat of a lifetime. Today, we’re diving deep into the wild, wild world of the Berserk card game, one of the top online trading card games with over 12,000 installs and $250,000 prizes distributed. 

Set in the mythical VulcanVerse, Berserk comes equipped with 27+ NFT Vulcanites, your quirky and powerful hero characters that assist you in the card battle. From wolves prowling the Deep Forest to undead warriors rising from the Desert, each Vulcanite belongs to one of the 4 Quadrants and 10 Species/Orders of the VulcanVerse. Eager to learn more about these beautiful mythical creatures?

Buckle up as we explore the various species of Vulcanites that inhabit this ancient realm, each with their own unique abilities and hilarious antics that can turn the tide of card battle in your favor! Here is your ticket to fame, glory, and, yeah, crypto rewards. 

Carnivora: The Beasts Who Bite First (Ask Questions Later)

First comes the Carnivora, the ruthless predators of the Berserk card game, and honestly, you wouldn’t want to run into one in a dark alley or forest. This species or order has the likes of the Alpha Wolf of the Gardens of Arcadia, whose howl makes shivers run down the spine of your opponent’s deck. 

Nor is he alone in that, joining him is the Kopis of the High Steppes, a saber-toothed tiger who roams the Mountains of Boreas. And let’s not forget the legendary Nemean Lion, whose invulnerable hide once kept Hercules pulling his hair out.

In this strategy card game, these bad boys are about brute force and aggression. Want to do some serious damage right off the bat? The Carnivora got a Vulcanite for that. Their synergy lies in fittingly savage attack bonuses, which are good for ripping through your opponent’s tight defences before they even know what happened. 

Centaurus: Half Human, Half Horse (And All Trouble)

Ah, the Centaurus - a majestic creature that thundered straight from mythology into your card game strategy. Velosina of the Sacred Stables, Chiron, the First Amongst Centaurs, and a few other rare centaurs remained in VulcanVerse, making them all more valuable. What’s more?

The centaurs are faster than any other species, with greater mobility to dodge attacks while raining arrows from afar. This makes them swift strikers, so play them every time you want to outmaneuver your opponent in the Berserk card game online

Take Chiron, for instance. His wisdom gives you the best defence boost to your adjacent cards, thus turning the strategy from an all-out offense into a balanced attack-and-defence game. 

Cervidae: The Gentle Masters of the Woodland Herds

The Vulcanites are not all ravenous beasts. Take out Soter, Lord of the Woodland Herds, an impressive stag whose tranquil nature is equaled by few others. The Cervidae species hails from the forested parts of Arcadia. 

If your strategy is to outlast your opponent with stamina, then Cervidae is your ticket to victory. These Vulcanites also possess healing properties that can heal other creatures in your deck.

While the Carnivora might go for the jugular, the Cervidae plays the long game. Just think about it: the Soter stag healing your creature cards turn after turn, as if your own tree-hugging paramedic had just arrived!

Daemones: The Fearsome Inhabitants of Darkness

Ready to dive into darkness? Meet the Daemones - the infamous creatures who bring chaos wherever they go. Hailing from the hellish Underworld of Hades, the Daemones are no ordinary Vulcanites; they are sinister-minded beings that summon death. 

So, if you truly want to ruin your opponent’s game plan, summon a Daemones Vulcanite, leaving them hanging in mid-air and scrambling to reconstruct their strategy. Blubberjaw, Trapjaw, Wolfshadow, and Charon are some key Daemones that can steal life or drag opponent cards to the Underworld, from which the return is impossible. 

Gorgonae: The Ruthless Stone-Cold Killers

Get ready to bring to your deck the apocalyptic shock capabilities of the Gorgonae Vulcanites. Originating from the Underworld of Hades, Gorgons would petrify your foes, literally. And how can we forget about the ultimate Gorgonae, the mighty Medusa herself? 

Her stone-cold gaze can freeze enemies in place, making them unable to attack or defend for a number of turns. Pair one Gorgonae card with Daemones, and you can freeze your opponent’s best creatures in place, impotent as you romp to victory.

Hybridae: The Best of Both Worlds (And More)

Why settle for just one species when you can have a mixture of many? Yes, the Hybridae Vulcanites take together a variety of creatures from myth, and that makes them so unique in their abilities. 

Aelio, Storm-swift Queen of the Harpies, leads this crew, followed by Asterion, Master of the Minotaurs. These Vulcanites are multitasking like nobody’s business. Aelio’s speed lets her be the first to punch at someone in battles; Asterion brings heavy defence, along with crowd control.

Whether you want speed, power, or versatility, it’s all covered with Hybridae. They are your trusted multitaskers. Want to overwhelm an opponent with a well-rounded deck? Just load them up on these mythical mash-ups!

Impudae: The Mischief Makers of the VulcanVerse

If you thought your cousin was an annoyance, wait till you have the Impudae. The resident troublemakers of Vulcronis, these little devils are all for causing chaos. And from this species comes Tomyios, Kobalos of the Sinkhole. No player, no matter how sharp, can outplay this Vulcanite.

The Impudae Vulcanites are always at disruption. They can overwhelm the opposing hand, destroy their deck, or even manipulate the card draw. Want to disrupt the strategy that the enemy carefully laid out? Then launch Impudae and watch them squirm as they lose their control of the game.

Pachyderm: The Ultimate One Mammoth Show

In the Berserk card game online, you get unbeatable tanking abilities with Pachyderm. And introducing the only member of this species, Thunder! Originated from the Mountains of Boreas, this elephantine powerhouse can stomp through any defense like it’s made of paper mache. 

When Thunder enters the battlefield, you know it’s time to run for cover. So, if you’re looking for a reliable tank to protect your weaker cards, Thunder is your guy. Combine him with healing spells, and you’ll have a walking fortress on your hands.

Scorpiones: Watch Your Step (Because Something is Out There)

The next species is all about stealth and precision - the Scorpiones. Do not underrate their size; the Scorpiones Vulcanites from the Desert of Notus are small but deadly. Use them to break down the strongest cards of your opponent. Take Venomtail, for instance. 

Coming from the Dunes of Doom, Venomtail focuses on the activation of poison effects. This scorpion is not just crawling around; he’s delivering poison damage with every strike! Perfect for those slow-burning strategies where you let your opponent stew in their own despair while taking gradual damage. 

Spartoi: Rise from the Dunes of the Desert of Notus

Finally, let’s get to the creepiest of the Vulcanites - the Spartoi, skeletal warriors rising out of the sand itself. In Greek mythology, the Spartoi was said to have emerged from a dragon’s teeth sown in the ground. These warriors are best known for their bravery and fighting abilities. 

Chthonius, the dread lord of Spartoi, leads an army of dead warriors, making them the perfect unit to swarm the opponent in sheer numbers. This army of dead is tasked with swarming the battlefield and overwhelming even the best-prepared deck. That’s it! 

How to Find the Perfect Synergy With Vulcanites?

Now that you are aware of the different species of Vulcanites in the Berserk card game, knowing which of the species interactions are important for your deck will help you succeed. Each kind of Vulcanite has something special to contribute, be it in terms of strengths or synergies. 

Whether one goes all out with Carnivora, controls the battlefield with Daemones, or outlives their opponent with Cervidae, the trick is in how these seem to be combined. Here’s how different species synergize with each other in one of the best strategy card games:

  • Mix and Match: To create the most powerful synergies, choose different species. For instance, combining up Centaurus Vulcanites with Carnivora heavy hitters can mean devastating combos that quake opponents.

  • Elemental Strategies: Use Berserk cards with crucial surprise moves that complement Hybridae, taking enemies down by being unpredictable. The special powers of these cards will shatter the chains of rigid strategies and open up an opportunity to win. 

  • Arms Galore: Consider playing Cervidae on your frontline attackers, such as Alpha or Nemean Lion. Here, a buff with a time attached may turn an otherwise ordinary attack into an unstoppable wave.

  • Experiment: For a balanced deck, you might want to mash healing magic and Cervidae together with the brute force of Carnivora. Maybe you’d want to go for a sneakier approach with Impudae and Daemones. It is all your flavor, at hand. Across the board, your Vulcanites are ready to fight at your side. 

Unleash the Beasts! 

So, there you have it - everything you need to know about the species of Vulcanites in the Berserk card game! From cuddly friends to sinister foes, every species gives flavor to this fantastic collectible card game set in a mythical world of adventure and chaos. So, Vulcanites are here, ready to guide you to victory. Charge up your cards and unlock your favorite NFT Vulcanites to get this battle. May there be crypto in the end! 

Download one of the top online trading card games for FREE on iOS, Android, or PC. Follow the game page on Instagram, Facebook, and X. And don’t forget to join the Vulcan Forged family on Discord for all the inside information and tips you need to dominate the Berserk card game

Summon your Vulcanites.
Master their powers and abilities.
And go unleash your inner Berserk!

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