How to Master the Berserk Game? 8 Expert Tips and Tricks


In the mythical land of VulcanVerse, a new battle of gods and mortals has begun! This battle is not fought with swords and shields, but with enchanted cards that are your portal to summon mythical creatures and unleash devastating spells. Welcome to the Berserk game - the ultimate collectible card adventure forged by the Vulcan god. 

Legend tells of card warriors who have entered the sacred dueling arenas, only to fall to more powerful opponents. But there are also tales of champions who rise victorious, claiming crypto rewards from the god’s treasures. To forge your destiny in the Berserk card game, you need to be more than a mere mortal; you need to command the elements of VulcanVerse. But beware, only the most skilled can claim the glory. 

To master Berserk, one must dive deep into the heart of VulcanVerse, learning the secrets of each card, each realm, and each ability. Heed these expert tips, oh daring duelist, for they are the keys to unlocking your path to immortality in the hallowed arenas of Berserk. 

Tip 1: Know Your Cards (Like a True Roman General)

In this collectible card game online, there are 144+ cards to choose from, each possessing a taste of destruction and debauchery that’s unique unto itself. It is almost like the Greek alphabet, except much cooler and more exciting. 

These cards belong to one of the 5 realms of VulcanVerse. Of course, the question is which realm are you going to swear allegiance to? The place of the picturesque Gardens of Arcadia, where they raise and bring it down like a truck on fire? Or perhaps the deathly Underworld of Hades, with its sinister creatures that refuse to stay dead? 

The best tip is to get yourself familiar with their six different rarities and 14 abilities. Trust me: knowing if it’s a Common or a Legendary card will save you from a Herculean headache. After all, it is a question of knowing when to bring flowers or when to run for the hills! Learn how to read cards in Berserk, so you can make even Zeus envious.

Tip 2: Build a Balanced Deck (Because No One Likes a One-Trick Pony)

Ah, deck building - probably the most crucial step in mastering the Berserk game. Build your deck of 30 cards like a diverse playlist for your next house party. A good rule of thumb? Mix creature cards with spells to follow a balanced approach. Before every duel, you have the option to mulligan your hand. This is your chance to reshuffle and get rid of unnecessary cards from your deck. It’s like your last-minute strategy. 

Also, aim for a combination that allows you to adapt to any situation - whether you need to heal, attack, or defend. This is where you need to choose a particular archetype that your card deck will focus on. Different archetypes have different strengths and weaknesses. Thus, it’s crucial to pick one that aligns well with your play style and the cards available to you. The four main archetypes to consider are: 

  1. Aggro: Love dominating your opponent in the Berserk game? Then the Aggro archetype is made just for you! Build an aggressive deck and strike your opponent faster than they can think. Take the Cantankerous Mammoth card, for example. It is low in Lava cost but high in damage - quintessentially aggressive.

  2. Control: This one is the opposite of Aggro. Control is designed to slow down the pace of the card game by allowing you to delay the process and enjoying a late-game win. It mainly consists of spells and counterspells. Two great examples may include the High Priest of Asclepius and the Javelins of Thanatos.

  3. Midrange: If you are not sure whether you need Aggro or Control, then try the Midrange deck. Since it is compromised right between Aggro and Control, this archetype focuses on playing threats, responding moderately, and putting pressure on the opponent. Shade Warrior and Hippolyta’s Bow are some cool cards to include in your Midrange deck. 

  4. Combo: As its name suggests, Combo puts together one specific combination of creatures and spells. For instance, you can combine Sunfire Elemental with Panoply of Minos to build a combo of damage and heal. This approach helps you win the game immediately or, at least, put your opponent in a weak position. 

Tip 3: Keep an Eye on Faction Synergy (Try Faction Combos)

Now, this collectible card games online isn’t about slapping down your strong cards and then holding your fingers crossed that they will probably win for you. The real magic lies in the 10 different factions of VulcanVerse. Whether it’s The Shades, The Wild Way, The Horned Lodge, or The Amazons, each faction has its strengths and weaknesses, with some also synergistic. 

Take The Wild Way and The Amazons, for instance. Both factions belong to the Gardens of Arcadia land and perfectly complement each other on the battlefield. Also, don’t be afraid to mix your factions; notice how a few of them work well with each other. This makes all the difference between victory and a rather more humble defeat.

Feeling aggressive? Pair up Arcadia factions and Notus factions for fiery rage attacks and wind-speed aggression. Feeling sneaky? Try combining Hades with Boreas factions for undead trickery and relentless cold-hearted strikes. The possibilities are endless. 

Tip 4: Utilize Lava Wisely (They’re Not Just Pretty Rocks) 

In the Berserk card games online, Lava crystals are your lifeblood. They represent the cost of playing each card. Think of them as the currency of chaos, so spend them wisely! Use them strategically to summon supporting cards from your hand. 

If you blow through them like candy at a kid’s birthday party, you’ll find yourself outnumbered faster than you can say - “I should’ve saved those.” Planning is everything here. 

Whether it’s knowing when to unleash that godly spell or when to hold back and let your opponent make the first move, mastering Lava can mean the difference between victory and defeat. Remember: patience is a virtue, but so is knowing when to strike!

Tip 5: Always Observe Your Opponent (Like a Hawk)

And just like you are plotting away with your deck, your opponent is plotting away with their deck as well. The point is simple: keep an eye on the cards they play. Make sure you are always on the lookout for their common patterns and strategies. 

Are they loaded with spell cards? Are they so impatient to get all the creatures from the known universe onboarded? The moment you get an idea of that game plan, it’s time to begin countering it with your pretty clever plays. The best strategy? 

Well, introduce cards that poke holes in their scheme of attack. For instance, you can draw Taunt cards to clear out some of the weaker creatures or healing spells that can outlast them if the game lasts just a bit too long. 

Tip 6: Practice Makes Perfect (Or at Least Less Terrible) 

Before diving headfirst into those Ranked or Unranked matches in the Berserk game, it is always wise to practice against AI bots or friends. The game features the ‘Practice With AI’ mode to help you polish your skills. 

This is a great way to familiarize yourself with different strategies without the pressure of losing precious Lava or dignity (or both). Think of it as training for the Olympics, but only those with more dragons and fewer spandex can compete. 

In addition to that, stay on your toes and keep up with trending parts of the online community. And don’t be afraid to make changes to your deck when you need to. This brings us to the next tip! 

Tip 7: Reinvest in Your Card Deck (Because Why Not) 

One of the best things about the Berserk card game is the crypto tokens. Forget about playing for just honor or rank; you can now play for actual money. Whether you win or lose, these tokens can be traded, sold, or used to reinvest in your deck. 

Yes, your deck is not something you can just set up and forget about. As this digital collectible card game online evolves with new cards, seasons, and metas, so does your strategy. The trick is to adapt. Don’t be afraid to make changes to your deck when you need to. 

Use those hard-earned tokens to buy NFT cards. The more powerful your deck is, the better your chances of winning, and the more tokens you’ll rack up in return. After all, it takes money to make money - simple. 

Tip 8: Don’t Underestimate Passes (Unleash Extravaganza)

Just imagine that you are new to the Berserk card game. You want to get started, but not sure how. Or maybe you are a pro who wants to crush your opponents. Either way, Berserk Passes can help you reap great benefits. 

Each pass gives you exclusive access to a curated selection of 10 unique cards. And guess what? These cards are carefully selected from the previous Berserk seasons. This is your best chance to wield some potent cards that could turn the game in your favor. But wait, there’s more! 

Berserk passes are not just another gimmick; they are your ultimate game-changer. Think of them as a cheat code, but totally legit. They can help gain a competitive edge during those heated card battles. Plus, they add a surprising element to the Berserk game.

Bottom Line: Don’t Fall Behind, Victory’s Yours to Find!

And there you go, fellow Berserkers! These expert tips will make your game change from being just a fledgling demigod to being an Olympian overlord. Now go on, fling down your cards as the weapons of mass destruction, and may all of the great mythical gods of VulcanVerse bless your duels. Don’t delay, claim your destiny today! 

Download the Berserk game for FREE on iOS, Android, and PC. Stay tuned for the latest updates on Instagram, Facebook, and X. Feel free to join the Vulcan Forged family on Discord for all the inside information you need to dominate the battlefield!  

Master the game, unleash the fight.
Claim your crypto rewards by night.
May there always be divine light!

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