14 Must-Know Card Abilities to Dominate the Ultimate Free-to-Play Trading Card Game


Ah, the VulcanVerse - home to mythical beasts, ruthless gods, and powerful spells that are all concisely packaged into trading cards. Well, this is the beginning of your next great adventure - Berserk - the free-to-play trading card game where strategy meets chaos and luck meets skill. But before you dive deep into this card game battle online, you need to understand how Berserk cards work. 

To put it simply, these cards aren’t just some pretty pictures of raging monsters and magic fireworks displays. No, no, no! They come with some pretty fantastic abilities and powers that can flip the game around in your favor faster than you can shout, “Rage!” 

So, whether you’re a pro at dueling or someone who merely sauntered into this world of collectible card games online, mastering those 14 card Abilities in Berserk is like holding the keys to the treasure chest of wins. And believe me, when I say “treasure”. Because Berserk is not some average free-to-play trading card game online; it’s a rewarding play-to-earn adventure. That’s right! You don’t just brag for right, but also earn crypto. 

So, buckle up, get your deck ready, and prepare to spread chaos on the field. Because we are about to break down the 14 powerful card abilities that’ll have you taking the battlefield like the mythic hero you’ve always known you were. Here we go! 

  1. Stun: Time to Freeze Your Opponent

Ever wish you could tell your opponent’s most annoying card, “Hey, take a timeout?” The Stun ability does that precisely! It puts an enemy creature into suspended animation for a turn, where it sits twiddling its thumbs while you go on the offensive. Whether it’s a beast, spell, or even the opponent’s precious hero (Vulcanite), Stun makes them useless for a turn, giving you the window you need to unleash mayhem.

Pro Tip: Save this card for later so you can zip zap your opponent’s high-damage cards. After all, there’s nothing that feels better than shutting down their ace in the hole.

  1. Poison: The Gift That Keeps On Giving

Why hit once when you can deal lingering damage to your enemy cards? Take a step forward with the Poison ability, which makes your opponent’s creature cards weep a long time after they have been hit. Each poisoned turn takes away health from creatures as if they had week-old sushi from some dodgy tavern. It’s like food poisoning meets card game battle online

Pro Tip: The Poison ability can wear down even the toughest foes with time, so don’t play like it’s Pentakill. Play the long game and watch as your opponent’s cards wither away while your own creatures stay strong and healthy. 


  1. Reborn: Die Hard, Mythic Edition

Think your creature’s out for the count? Think again! With the Reborn ability, death is just a minor setback in this free-to-play trading card game. Your creature with this ability is knocked out, only to get up, dust itself off, brush the grime from its armor, and bounce back into battle, refreshed. That is like you have a real-life phoenix on your hands!

Pro Tip: The best approach is to lead the duel with your Reborn cards as they just will keep coming back for more, frustrating your opponent and giving you the edge.

  1. Undead: No Rest for the Wicked

Here is the thing: most creature cards in Berserk take a turn to wake up, but Undead cards don’t. No coffee required here to break the sleep, as they come hopping out of their graves ready to rock and roll. These cards are always on, always ready to go; no warm-up turn like the other creatures. They are more like the early risers of your deck.

Pro Tip: Use your Undead creatures as soon as possible. This will surprise your opponent due to the readiness of their use, and there will be less time for them to do anything in response.

  1. Rage: Hulk Smash Mode Activated

Imagine your Berserk creature just taking a few hits when suddenly... BOOM! Its muscles start bulging, eyes glowing red, and it’s like, “Enough is enough!” Enter the Rage ability that increases the attack power of your creature card. The longer it sticks around, the more it’s like, “Who's next?” Think of it as the Hulk of your deck, being angry. It only gets stronger and crazier. 

Pro tip: Use your Rage cards early to create unstoppable juggernauts. See your opponent scramble to come up with a solution, or just throw in the towel entirely.

  1. Stoneskin: Rocky, but Not Balboa

Forget about shields. The Stoneskin cards are more or less walking fortresses. They stun every attacking card once the bad boy gets hit. You heard that right - hit them, and BAM, your opponent’s creature is dazed like he just got slapped in the face by a rock giant. With the Stoneskin ability, you’re building an impenetrable frontline that’ll make them regret every decision ever.

Pro Tip: Pair up Stoneskin creatures with some Healer spells, and you will have an unbeatable wall that laughs in the face of danger - really unbreakable! 

  1. Summon: Call in the Reinforcements

Low on backup? That’s fine! Since there is an ability called Summon in this collectible card game online, an additional creature can be brought to fight by your side. The only drawback is that it costs a few precious Lava crystals. But who needs Lava when you can conjure beasts and warriors out of mythology straight? Whether you conjure up something as nasty as a Goblin or something as gargantuan as a Wild Boar, Summon is that valuable friend when you really need it.

 Pro Tip: The Summon ability is clutch when you’re out of creatures. Use it wisely, and remember, it’s always better to have more creatures on the board than to wish you had more!

  1. Strike: Double the Fun, Double the Chaos

But that’s not all. Why attack once when you can attack twice? The Strike ability lets your creature attack not once but twice in a single turn. Some cards can even go further than that. Consider the Sandstorm card, for instance. It’ll hit up to three targets like it’s the Tasmanian Devil on steroids. Cool, isn’t it?

Pro Tip: Strike upon your opponent’s high-attack creatures to reap the maximum damage, but don’t forget: defence wins battles. Get the perfect balance between offense and defence in order to conquer that battlefield.

  1. Fortified: The Longer They Live, The Stronger They Get

Fortified creatures are like a good wine, they only get better with age. Each turn brings new health to these cards, making them progressively harder and harder to take down. Consider them as your tank, an impenetrable fortress that will just not quit. 

Pro Tip: Use Fortified cards along with the cards causing long-term damage, such as Poison. This will help you create a death trap that the opponent cannot survive.

  1. Confused: Flip a Coin, Hope to Win

You play a Confused card a bit like playing the dice in Vegas - that is to say, excitingly dangerous. These cards attack random locations, so they could hit your enemy or your own team too. It’s literally a wild card, which sometimes pays off; other times you are shaking your fist at your creature for backstabbing your Vulcanite hero. Remember, chaos doesn’t have loyalties.

Pro Tip: Use Confused cards when you’re feeling lucky or when you have very little to lose. I mean seriously, it can really make all the difference, but use it wisely. 

  1. Taunt: Luring Enemy Fire Like a Boss

Save the Taunt card for hairy situations. The Taunt ability is actually a kind of bodyguard for your deck, where your opponent will be forced to attack these cards instead of one of your more fragile creatures or the Vulcanite. It’s pretty good when you need to buy some time or protect your heavy hitters. Taunt cards do a couple of things: they hit but do not kill creatures, and they activate your creatures’ abilities so they can do what you paid them to do.

Pro Tip: Play Taunt cards early so you can protect your key creatures and start setting up your game plan. They’re the unsung heroes who take one for the team, and live to tell the tale.

  1. Heal: The Doctor Is In

Even the toughest warriors need a band-aid every now and then. This is where the Heal ability will allow you to patch wounded creatures or return some health to your Vulcanite hero. It is just like some magical spa day for your deck, rejuvenating, refreshing, and preparing them to fight in this thrilling best trading card game PC.

Pro Tip: Hoard Heal cards until your creatures are almost dead. Healing at the right time may just give you that second wind when you need it most, swinging the battle in your favor.

  1. Immortal: The Comeback Kid 

Ah, immortal cards that protect your Vulcanite hero from damage and come as a sort of guardian angel for your deck. When the enemies unleash everything at your Vulcanite, your Immortal card stands tall and laughs in the face of doom. In short, they are the ultimate protector in this epic free-to-play trading card game.

Pro Tip: Use Immortal cards late-game to keep your hero from a final, devastating blow. Because they’re possibly your last line of defence against a game-ender.

  1. Lifesteal: Because Sharing Is Caring (Sort of)

What’s better than dealing damage and healing at the same time? The Lifesteal ability allows your creatures to suck some health off their victim each time they attack. It’s like a vampire’s dinner party, sucking life from your opponents and keeping your creatures strong. That’s that! 

Pro Tip: When you are out-aimed or fighting a pretty powerful enemy, Lifesteal cards will be a lifesaver. Use them to keep vital creatures alive in the game, slowly whittling their health pool.

To Sum Up: Let the Mythical Mayhem Begin! 

So, here’s everything you need to know about the 14 game-changing abilities that make Berserk the ultimate free-to-play trading card game to master this year. Whether to tap into the raw power of Rage, the unpredictability of Confused, or the unbreakable defense of Immortal, these abilities are crucial to unlocking your cards’ full potential and exploiting your opponent’s weaknesses. So, don’t delay! 

Download Berserk for FREE - available on iOS, Android, and PC. Follow the page on Instagram, Facebook, and X to get regular updates. You can also join the Vulcan Forged family on Discord for all the information you need to dominate the battlefield. 

Now you’ve got the skills, it’s time to play.
Master these abilities, and lead the way.

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