Vulcanites Unleashed: Go Berserk with a Powerhouse in the Collectible Card Game Arena

Vulcanites Unleashed: Go Berserk with a Powerhouse in the Collectible Card Game Arena

Berserk, a card game from the Vulcan Forged ecosystem may just be the most thrilling card game they have. Thus, today we will be delving into Berserk: Vulcanites Unleashed. This guide will suit you if you are a native deck builder who would like to save money and nonetheless bring some new life to their plays with cards or if you are a veteran who wants to keep experimenting with decks. We'll first dig into the New Beginnings set for a deep team-building exercise that will then lead to your sterling tournament performance.

The Art of Budget Deck Building

Starting Strong with Strategic Choices

One needs to spend on a competitive deck is no longer a prerequisite because there are very affordable and still very efficient alternatives such as budget decks that are quite equally competitive. The crucial aspect is to make the most essential, strategic choices that will improve your chances of success while at the same time not crossing your financial budget. Let's go over the important attributes of a quality voting deck implying that the list should be more sustainable:

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  1. Choose Your Friend Carefully: Your king is your card and hence your core card is your deck's main card. Therefore, it should be a good one for sure. It is a valuable attribute because it enables you to quickly adjust to different situations. Namely, it will be the best option for the beginner to learn the game.

  2. Take Advantage of Low-Cost, High-Impact Cards: The Breeze of Boreas comes in handy as a card to use here because it is a card that is played for a low Lava cost yet it provides the player a lot more than it initially appears. Including such cards in your deck gives you the opportunity to make powerful moves in the early game without limiting the game in the late game.

  3. Resource Management: Proper utilization of Lava is very important during the game. Kobaloi Recruiter is a card that not only provides you with a board presence but also helps you to manage your resources by reducing the cost of other cards. Thus, you can make more powerful moves with ease.

  4. Build Synergies for Early Advantages: The Amazonian Aspirant and Wolf Pup combination can help you gain an early advantage. This is not only a method to get your first card but you can also use it to ensure that your following turns are more successful.

  5. Maintain Board Presence Efficiently: The recruiter's ability to cost down the other cards gives you the opportunity to throw out several cards or save Lava for more crucial situations.

  6. Don't Neglect Defence: In a budget deck there should be an inclusion of the defender's side as well. Strategies that use cards like Shield of Ajax and Vile Swamp Gas will not only give you the control but also protecting you which will allow you to survive the enemy's siege and, in the meantime, start your own attack.

  7. Include Game-Ending Powerhouses: It is essential that a deck should consist of a mechanism that can accomplish the task of winning. Mangrave Tree and Acolyte of Vulcan are the two that have the power to finish the game which can determine the winner and the loser. Nevertheless, despite the fact that these medians are more expensive, they are still the best solution when you are in a hurry to get a deck that can ensure the victory because they are the best at that.

The Power of Balance

A budget deck that is well-working is achieved through the right balance between low-cost cards, which are good for early game presence, and powerful cards, which are more useful in the late game. This plan ensures that you have the deck options to select from at the very start of the game, and you can change them according to your enemy's strategies and the game dynamics.

From Theory to Practice: Gameplay Strategies:

Earlier we have focused on the first step of deck building which is enchanting the cards. This however is the road to winning in gameplay.

  1. Early Game Tactics: The development of the board is the most important part of the first few rounds since it is the one that gives you the opportunity to utilize your resources to the maximum. Apply your economic cards tactically in the main battle, but don't be too greedy.

  2. Midgame Manoeuvres: As the game progresses, the possibility of synergies between your cards will arise. It is the time when cards like Amazonian Aspirant and Wolf Pop can be very effective, thus enabling you to construct a powerful board position. Key Strategy: Kobaloi Recruiter is a card that lowers the cost of other cards, thus making it possible for you to play multiple threats in a single turn thereby confusing the opponents who are not ready for such a sudden rise in the number of threats.

  3. Resource Management: Proper utilization of Lava is very important during the game. Kobaloi Recruiter is a card that not only provides you with a board presence but also helps you to manage your resources by reducing the cost of other cards. Thus, you can make more powerful moves with ease. Tip: The importance of long-term planning should never be underestimated. Even if you have a powerful card, it could be wise to wait a turn or two to create a more lethal plan.

  4. Adapting to Your Opponent: A budget deck is one of "its" strengths. They're flexible. Watch closely what tactics the opponent uses and get ready to change your game accordingly. For instance, when they challenge you, bend your shield like Shield of Ajax to withstand the onslaught. Hopefully, there will be moments for you to cut through the enemy's defences with relentless attacks.

  5. Closing Out the Game: With the match moving into its business end, it's time to start deploying your finishers. The use of cards such as Mangrave and Acolyte of Vulcan can make a tie game a sure win if they are used smartly, at the right time. Strategic Consideration: Their mere presence is sometimes on a par with their physical presence. If your opponent knows game-breakers are at your disposal, they may play with care meaning that you will have more time to gather your equipment and dominate.

Learning from Experience

To illustrate these principles in action, let's examine a recent match played with our budget deck: 

The game was started with Fox Vulcanite and on the first move the Breeze of Boreas was played. The decks that were created in the early match have become 'plastic' in the sense that they can change their shape to suit the player. In turn four, we began with an Amazonian Aspirant that we summoned and then cast a Wolf Pop. This put our opponent into distress because of the solid board we created.

By the time we got to the midgame, our Kobaloi Recruiter came in to play, and this caused us to be able to deploy more than one threat in a single turn. The fact that we were able to push the rhythm of the game so much has led to the opponent not being able to make effective use of their resources which has in turn slowed them down.

As the game came to an end, we detected a strong presence at the front from our opponents but they were at a low life point disadvantage. This is where our finishers came to work. A grave instantly dealt with all the enemy units; and, an Acolyte of Vulcan lead the road to victory.

Key Takeaways for Aspiring Champions

  • Your deck should be balanced and equally distributed across all aspects of the game. Attack defensive strategies one at a time and don't rely on your comfort either. It is important to vary between a focus on attacks and defence to adapt to your opponent.

  • Resource Efficiency: Cards that have several advantages, like the Kobaloi Recruiter, are highly useful. They let you get done more, but at the same time, they are the most effective thing in any card game.

  • Synergy in Operations: Search for the cards whose combinations can be played in such a way that they can support each other. 

  • Rehearse Till you Succeed: Try to get as close to your deck as possible so you will be the one to find the right moves with your strengths and recognize the loopholes of it. Losses are no reason for you to be sorry – every game is a learning opportunity.

  • Don't be So Rigid: While a game plan is necessary, one should be able to respond to an opponent's strategy. The best players are those who can change their tactics and win a game even if they face difficult battles.

  • Timing is Everything: The decision of when to use your powerful cards is the line dividing victory and defeat. The holding over a turn or two may create an opportunity for a game-winning play.

Expanding Your Collection


While this manual is mainly about being competitive with a budget deck, it is worth mentioning that as you get more into Berserk: Vulcanite’s Unleashed you may want to broaden your collection. The New Beginnings Booster Pack, which is a good starting pack, is not the only pack that you should explore as you become more comfortable with the game.

Bear in mind, the most expensive deck is not idly the one that wins – it is the skill and knowledge of a player who owns their deck that finally decides the winner of a match.

Community and Resources

Becoming a master of Berserk: Vulcanite’s Unleashed isn't a solo journey. The Vulcan Forged community is filled with passionate players always eager to discuss strategies, share deck ideas, and help newcomers. Here are some ways to engage with the community and improve your game:

  1. Join Online Forums: Participate in discussions on platforms like Reddit or the official Vulcan Forged Discord Server. Follow Berserk on Instagram, Facebook, and X for the latest news. These are great places to share your experiences, ask questions, and learn from more experienced players.

  2. Watch Streams and Videos: Many skilled players stream their matches or create tutorial videos. Watching these can provide insights into advanced strategies and card interactions you might not have considered.

  3. Stay Updated: Keep abreast of official announcements from the Vulcan Forged team. New card releases, balance updates, and events can all change your strategy and deck building.

Conclusion: Your Journey Begins!

Building a competitive deck in Berserk: Vulcanite's Unleashed does not need a huge capital – what it needs is good decisions, good planning, and good attitude towards learning. The budget-friendly deck that we have looked at today is just the tip of the iceberg. The more games you play, the more you will find your own playing style, new cards, and new strategies.

Remember, all masters were once learners. With patience, practice, and the right mindset, you too can rise through the ranks and become a formidable player in the world of Berserk: Vulcanite's Unleashed. So, gather your cards, call your friend, and get into the ring. Your road map to victory starts here! Download the best strategy card game for FREE on iOS, Android, and PC.

Have fun and may the Vulcanites be with you!

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